Virtue of Hakuin, 2006
Jolanta Lapiak
screenshot from 52-second video, 720x480px
Halifax, N.S.
there is a theme of the three's.
On translation-interpretation

The Virtue of Hakuin is a visual poem, translated and adapted from Hakuin's Virtue on the subject of the art/science of translation and interpretation of another work. The practice of interpretation between written English and "spoken" Ameslan, for they two are different language in grammatical structure and all, is part of our daily life.

On san-chueh

This media poem Virtue of Hakuin is part of the body of my Painting, Poetry, Performativity trio in independent parallel to traditional san-chueh, the Chinese three perfections: poetry, painting and calligraphy. It was the first experimental idea of the coined terms "Ameslan/sign calligraphy" and "verbal drawing" as part of the performativity.

Other interpretations

The rest of potential interpretations of this poem is left to viewers or readers. The words in the titles of books can be playfully linked to other meanings of the symbols.